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Information in English

Ansgar University College (Norwegian name: Ansgar høyskole – AHS) is a private institution which offers several programs on bachelor (BA) and master (MA) level, all accredited by the proper organisation, representing the National Department of Education, named Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT). The main field at AHS is Theology and Christianity. General entrance requirements are the same as for studies at colleges or universities. The subject area of the programs are:

  • BAs in Theology
  • BAs in Music
  • BA in Intercultural understanding
  • BA in Psychology
  • MA in Christianity with emphasis on Practical Theology


All bachelor programs consist of a total of 180 ECTS credits, corresponding to three years of studies, i.e., one full academic year consists of 60 ECTS credits. All BA programs includes a 20 ECTS credits preparatory course, named Examen Philosophicum and Examen Facultatum, requires a minimum of 60 ECTS credits in the given subject area on level 100, and a minimum of 20 ECTS credits on a deeper 200 level in the same subject area.

In addition to the required 100 ECTS credits mentioned above, the remaining 80 ECTS credits are electives and may partly be taken in the same subject area or among the different courses offered in another subject area at AHS, or other accredited colleges or universities, domestic or abroad. The accreditations of the programs at AHS, as well as the structure, grading and regulations of the programs, are designed in accordance with the Bologna agreement between European countries both inside and outside the European Community.

The BA in Music meets the teaching requirements for the subject in public schools from Primary school to Lower and Upper Secondary School. The BA in Theology with includes additional electives on both 100 and 200 level, as well as Practical Theology (60 ECTS credits).

The BA in Music and the BA in Intercultural understanding consist of the required 100 study ECTS credits in respective programs and of several additional elective courses on the respective 100 and 200 levels, as well as electives which may be taken from other subject areas at AHS, or from other University Colleges or Universities.

A completed BA program at AHS gives admission to further studies on the Master level in respective subject areas of Christianity and Theology, Music, Intercultural understanding and Psychology at University Colleges or Universities in Norway or abroad.

The MA program in Christianity is offered either with emphasis on Biblical Studies or Practical Theology. Biblical Studies has two focal points: Greek and the New Testament or Hebrew and the Old Testament. MA students are required to write a major project encompassing either 30 ECTS credits (half a year) or 60 ECTS credits (one full academic year).

Ansgar University College is owned and run by The Mission Covenant Church of Norway (MCCN), Misjonskirken Norge, a member of The International Federation of Free Evangelical Churches (IFFEC). However, in terms of ecumenicity, both the faculty and student body are open and belong to different evangelical churches and denominations.

The name Ansgar comes from the German bishop Ansgar in the 9th century, The Apostle of the Nordic Countries.


The school is located on a lovely campus of about 15 acres on a sunny hill side above the Topdal fjord, located 10 km (6 miles) at the outskirts of the city of Kristiansand (93.000). Kristiansand is the most important city and educational center in the southern part of Norway.


The school is located not far from Kjevik Airport, with frequent connections to Copenhagen, Denmark, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and the main domestic destinations. Kristiansand has a ferry terminal with several daily connections to Denmark (3 hours and 15 minutes).

Student accomendation

Next to the school is the school's student home. The student home consists of several buildings that together can accommodate 144 students.

During the summer Ansgar Campus is taken over by Ansgar Summer Hotel. If you want to stay at Ansgar during the summer you can go the the website www.ansgarsommerhotell.no or to www.booking.com.


There are two parking areas on campus. Parking is free.


The reception is staffed during weekdays from 09:00-15:00.


The school's library is an academic library with emphasis on theology, music, psychology and intercultural studies. The collection consists of approximately 25,000 books, as well as magazines and films.


The staff at Ansgar University College for Theology, Music and Psychology is divided into two groups academic and administrative.

Ansgar Chapel

The Ansgar Chapel is open all days from 08:00 to 22:00 all year.
The chapel is open to all, both students and visitors. Read more (in Norwegian)

See Ansgar Campus in a 3D tour

Take a 3D tour around the campus before the conference. Click on the image below and navigate with mouse and keyboard.

